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How to give calcium to an aquatic turtle

Giving calcium to an aquatic turtle is important for maintaining its shell health and overall health. Here are some ways to ensure your aquatic turtle gets enough calcium:

Commercial Turtle Diets

Many commercial turtle pellets or diets formulated for turtles contain added calcium. These pellets are designed to provide a balanced diet that includes essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium. Ensure you are using a high-quality brand that specifically mentions calcium supplementation.

Calcium Supplements

If your turtle’s diet is lacking in calcium or if it has specific calcium needs (growing turtles, egg-laying females), you can provide calcium supplements. Calcium powder supplements designed for reptiles can be sprinkled on their food a few times a week. There are also products that can be added to the water, like the Serenity Aquatics Turtle Health Block which releases calcium with vitamin D3 and other minerals into the water. Ensure the supplement is specifically formulated for reptiles and does not contain phosphorus, which can interfere with calcium absorption.


Cuttlebones are a natural source of calcium and can be placed in the turtle’s enclosure. Turtles can gnaw on the cuttlebone as needed to ingest calcium. Make sure to choose a cuttlebone that is appropriate for the size of your turtle.

Natural Foods

Offer natural foods that are high in calcium. Examples include dark leafy greens (e.g., kale, collard greens), broccoli, dandelion greens, and edible aquatic plants. These should be part of a balanced diet but can contribute to calcium intake.

UVB Lighting

Ensure your turtle has access to UVB lighting. UVB light helps aquatic turtles metabolise calcium and vitamin D3, which is essential for calcium absorption. Without adequate UVB exposure, turtles can develop metabolic bone disease (MBD), which is a condition caused by calcium and vitamin D3 deficiency.

Monitor Shell Health

Regularly inspect your turtle’s shell for any signs of softness or abnormalities, which can indicate calcium deficiency. A healthy shell should be firm and smooth.

Further Advice

When providing calcium to your aquatic turtle, it’s essential to ensure a balanced diet that includes other nutrients as well. Consult with a reptile veterinarian if you have concerns about your turtle’s diet or health, especially if you notice any signs of illness or nutrient deficiencies.

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