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  3. All In One Heartworm and Intestinal Wormer

All In One Heartworm and Intestinal Wormer

Do you have an all in one product that covers for intestinal worms and heartworm in dogs?

There are a number of products available that treat intestinal worms and prevent heartworm all in one.

Popular products include;

Interceptor Spectrum protects your dog against heartworm and the major intestinal worms in one easy chewable tablet given once a month.

Sentinel Spectrum is a chew given once a month that provides protection against intestinal worms and heartworm, as well as fleas.

Nexgard Spectra is a chew given once per month and provides protection against intestinal worms and heartworm, as well as fleas, ticks and mites.

Milbemax is a tablet given monthly to control intestinal worms and prevent heartworm.

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