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  3. Are sticks bad for dogs?

Are sticks bad for dogs?

Dogs love playing with sticks (and many dog owners love throwing sticks for their canine companions). However, the injury risk to your dog is very real.

In this video, Dr. Glenn dives into the risks associated with dogs playing with sticks. He shares a recent case from his clinic, complete with pictures, of a dog that had a close call after a stick-related incident. Watch this video to learn about the potential dangers and how to keep your furry friend safe while they play!

There are plenty of chew and stick-like toys available in various materials, so you may need to try a few to find one that your dog loves. Remember, all toys should be used under supervision, and no toy is completely indestructible.

To maintain your dog’s interest, it’s best to put the toy away after playtime. Leaving it out all the time can lead to boredom. Consider rotating a few different toys to keep things exciting, and always end play sessions while your dog is still having fun to avoid losing their interest.

And please, skip the sticks! Even if your dog keeps dropping that stick at your feet, the best choice is to toss it in the bin (or your compost pile) instead. Your furry friend will thank you for it!

Shop the full range of toys, including fetch and chew toys, here in our online store.

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