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  3. Should I be concerned about my dog catching Ehrlichiosis?

Should I be concerned about my dog catching Ehrlichiosis?

Canine Ehrlichiosis is a potentially fatal disease spread by the Brown Dog Tick. It has only recently been discovered in Australia, starting out in the Northern Territory and Western Australia, but it is spreading to effect more areas of the country.

In this video, vet-n-pet DIRECT’s resident vet Dr Glenn, discusses Ehrlichiosis and if you should be worried about your dog catching this fatal disease. He lets you know where it has already been discovered and where in Australia the potential is for it to become an issue. Prevention and stopping your dog from getting bitten by a Brown Dog Tick is the only way to protect your dog. Dr Glenn lets you know what products or combination of products he recommends to protect your dog from the Brown Dog Tick and potentially contracting Ehrlichiosis.

This disease, Canine Ehrlichiosis, is a scary life threatening disease that all Australian dog owners should be aware of. For more information on Canine Ehrlichiosis read our article here or tune in to the myPET Podcast: Canine Ehrlichiosis; a deadly tick-borne disease here.

Shop for Tick Prevention products for your dog here in our online store here.

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