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  3. Why does my dog eat poo?

Why does my dog eat poo?

Why does my dog eat poo? Yep it is pretty gross and not the nicest topic to talk about, but it happens. But why? Why would dogs ever want to eat poop, theirs, other dogs or other animals?

In this video vet-n-pet DIRECT’s resident vet discusses Coprophagia (eating poo) and why dogs do it. Generally the reason for eating poo can be broken down into 3 reasons, behavioural, medical or nutritional. Dr Glenn talks about the different reasons and some possible ways to stop your dog from eating poo. He also reminds you just why it is not good for them to eat poo not only is there a risk of parasite infection it also means no one will want puppy kisses.

For more information on Coprophagia tune into the myPET Podcast episode; Dogs Eat Poo! Yep it’s gross so why do they do it? Listen now on iTunes, Stitcher or the vet-n-pet DIRECT website here https://www.vetnpetdirect.com.au/pages/mypet-podcast

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