Signs Your Pet Might Be In Pain As pet owners we love and nurture our pets and the last thing we want is for them to be...
Why does my dog smell? Dogs smell! Not all the time, but at some point you will notice a not so pleasant odour coming from...
Tips for good joint health Joint problems like arthritis, degenerative joint disease and of course injuries are a common issue faced by our canine friends....
How To Help Your Dog’s Sore Joints Joint problems like arthritis, degenerative joint disease and of course injuries are a common issue faced by our canine friends....
Brushing your dog’s teeth Oral hygiene is a very important aspect of our pets overall wellbeing. Poor dental health can lead to a buildup...
What Is The Right Brush For Your Dog or Cat All pets benefit from regular brushing. It is not only beneficial for their looks and keeping their coat in good...
Does your dog love their toy too much? Stop growling and nipping over toys So you ordered a brand new toy for your dog and they love it!! But…they love it so much they...
My dog growls at me over food! How to overcome resource guarding of food. Does your dog not like it when you go near them when they are eating? Maybe it’s a bone you...
How Do I Stop my Dog from Pulling! This is one of the questions we get asked as trainers a lot. If we had a magic wand we...
Collar versus Halter versus Harness – which is better for my dog? It’s always an interesting debate when you chat with dog owners about what equipment they prefer to walk their dog...