The Benefits Of Omega Oils Omegas 3, 6 and 9 contain essential fatty acids that are an important part of a well balanced diet to...
Hotspots Hotspots, also known as pyotraumatic dermatitis or moist dermatitis is skin condition that affects dogs. Hotspots have a very distinctive...
Dandruff On Dog My 9 year old dog has quite bad dandruff. What’s the best way to treat it and prevent it from...
Dog With Dry Skin I have a dog with very dry skin, what can I use to improve his dry skin? There are a...
Flea or Allergy? My dog is scratching a lot. I don’t think its from fleas (or at least I haven’t seen any fleas...
Common Skin Conditions In Horses Lumps, bumps, scruffy patches and hair loss are all common and its likely that you have seen something like that...
Rain Scald Cause Rain scald, sometimes referred to as rain rot or mud fever, is a skin condition seen in horses. It...
Conditions Caused By Mud In Horses Whether it is caused by torrential rain or a leaky water trough, mud is something that most horse owners will...
Pyohex Wash What conditioner should you use after a pyohex wash? Pyohex Shampoo is used on dogs where a veterinarian has confirmed...
Dog Continuously Scratching We have a 7 year old kelpie/something cross. She has alway scratched since she was a pup but it is...