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Dog Rocks

A day after I started using dog rocks my lab got diarrhoea. Would this be from the dog rocks?

The two most common causes of diarrhoea in dogs are dietary indiscretion ( eating things they shouldn’t) and intestinal parasites ( worms).

Dogs are natural scavengers and tend to eat many indigestible substances, including garbage and decayed food, dead animals, grass, and pieces of plastic, wood, paper, and other foreign materials. Many of these are irritating to the stomach as well as to the bowel, and are partially eliminated through vomiting.

Food takes about eight hours to pass through the small intestines. During that time, the bulk of the food and 80 percent of the water is absorbed. The colon concentrates the remainder. At the end, a well-formed stool is evacuated. A normal stool contains no mucus, blood, or undigested food.

It is possible that your dog may have developed diarrhoea as a result of the Dog Rocks although it is highly unlikely unless your dog consumed some of the rocks.

If the condition persists for longer than a 24hr period then you must consult with your Vet. It would be a good idea to remove the dog rocks until the diarrhoea has cleared up and your dog is back to normal before re-introducing the rocks into his or her water supply.


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