Off Label Use and Withholding Periods It is very important to always read, understand and follow any instructions given on a product. Following the directions or...
Ticks On Pigs What can I put on my pigs to stop them from getting ticks ? I am sorry but there are...
Calf Scours My calf is scouring. What do you have that I can give him? Electrolyte replacement can help in treating the...
Injectable Expiry Date For your vitamin injectables, do they have expiration dates? Yes all injectable vitamin supplements do have an expiry date on...
Drenching Dogs With Sykes Big L Can I drench my dogs with Sykes Big.L drench & if so how much per body weight? Using Sykes Big...
Livestock injections and what size needle should I choose? Livestock Injections Injections play an important role in livestock husbandry, with a range of different products being required throughout an...