Frontline Original or Frontline Plus What is the difference between Frontline Original and Frontline Plus? Frontline Original is the original spot-on formulation that Frontline first...
Flea Control and Eradication Fleas are the most common pest to bother our pets and drive pet owners crazy. Controlling and eradicating fleas takes...
Flea Treatment For Cat And Kittens What flea treatment can I use on my cat and her kittens? I would recommend using Advantage for Cats on...
Ticks On Cats What products can I use on my cats to control ticks? The only registered product to control ticks on cats...
Causes Of Itchy Skin In Dogs It is not uncommon for dogs to suffer from itchy skin, medically known as Pruritus, at some point in their...
Winter Fleas During the winter months many pet owners may think it is safe to stop flea treatments, however this is not...
Autumn Pet Care Autumn is sometimes the “forgotten” season when it comes to pet care. In Australia the weather is becoming milder, which...
Flea Allergy Dermatitis Flea allergy dermatitis is an allergic skin condition that both cat’s and dog’s can be affected by. It occurs when...
Flea or Allergy? My dog is scratching a lot. I don’t think its from fleas (or at least I haven’t seen any fleas...
Combination of Tick Collar and Flea/Tick Spot-On Can you please tell me which combination of tick collars & spot on flea & tick products are safe to...