Injectable Expiry Date For your vitamin injectables, do they have expiration dates? Yes all injectable vitamin supplements do have an expiry date on...
What Can I Give My Horse To Buildup Her Topline? I have a thoroughbred mare and her topline needs building up. Is there anything I can give her to help?...
Horse Calming Supplements What are the best horse calming products? We have a number of different calming products for horses available on our...
Supplement For Horse That Drops Off During Summer Hello. I was hoping maybe you have more experience than I do in these products. I’m from the US and...
Dry and Cracked Hoofs My horses hoofs are cracked and dry, what can I use to help them? There are a number of Hoof...
Vitamins For Cats I was wondering if there are any vitamins available for cats? Are there any natural alternatives? There are a large...
Causes Of Itchy Skin In Dogs It is not uncommon for dogs to suffer from itchy skin, medically known as Pruritus, at some point in their...
The Benefits Of Omega Oils Omegas 3, 6 and 9 contain essential fatty acids that are an important part of a well balanced diet to...
Autumn Pet Care Autumn is sometimes the “forgotten” season when it comes to pet care. In Australia the weather is becoming milder, which...
Joint Injury Prevention Joint injuries in dogs can not only cause problems initially but they can also be detrimental to your dog’s future...