Electronic Dog Collars and The Law in Australia The use of Electronic Dog Collars in Australia is governed by various State and Territory Laws. Before purchasing or using...
Pet Dental Health Good dental hygiene in pets is sometimes overlooked, however it is a very important part of keeping your pet healthy....
Digging How can I stop my dog from digging holes all over the garden and lawn? As frustrating as digging is...
Dog Continuously Scratching We have a 7 year old kelpie/something cross. She has alway scratched since she was a pup but it is...
Flea Treatment for Swimming Dog My dog swims all the time, are there any flea and tick treatments that will work for him even though...
Fleas in Winter? Do dogs and cats still get fleas in winter? Yes fleas can still bother your pets during the colder months....
Dog Scared of Hose Hi, do you have any tips for getting a rescue dog used to me using a hose? When I use...
Signs Your Pet Might Be In Pain As pet owners we love and nurture our pets and the last thing we want is for them to be...
Frontline Original or Frontline Plus What is the difference between Frontline Original and Frontline Plus? Frontline Original is the original spot-on formulation that Frontline first...
Flea Control and Eradication Fleas are the most common pest to bother our pets and drive pet owners crazy. Controlling and eradicating fleas takes...