Queensland Itch What products and process can I use to help my horse with Queensland Itch? How often do I need to...
Causes Of Itchy Skin In Dogs It is not uncommon for dogs to suffer from itchy skin, medically known as Pruritus, at some point in their...
Flea Allergy Dermatitis Flea allergy dermatitis is an allergic skin condition that both cat’s and dog’s can be affected by. It occurs when...
Hotspots Hotspots, also known as pyotraumatic dermatitis or moist dermatitis is skin condition that affects dogs. Hotspots have a very distinctive...
Treat Allergy? My dog gets very itchy after eating his treats could he be allergic to them? It is a logical assumption...
Flea or Allergy? My dog is scratching a lot. I don’t think its from fleas (or at least I haven’t seen any fleas...
Why does my dog smell? Dogs smell! Not all the time, but at some point you will notice a not so pleasant odour coming from...
Shampoo For Hotspots My dog has got a hot spot on him. My golden retriever used to get them often, and I got...
Dog Continuously Scratching We have a 7 year old kelpie/something cross. She has alway scratched since she was a pup but it is...
Itchy Horse My horse seems to be itchy and scratching all the time, what can I use to help him? Usually an...