How to place an order online How do I place an online order with your company? Placing an order with vet-n-pet DIRECT is simple. Simply use...
Change Password? Can I change the password on my account? Yes you can change your password on your account. Please follow the...
Currency Are the prices displayed in US Dollars or Australian Dollars? All prices displayed on our website are listed in Australian...
Ticks On Pigs What can I put on my pigs to stop them from getting ticks ? I am sorry but there are...
Worming Chickens and Turkeys What can I use to worm my chickens and turkeys? If you keep both chickens and turkeys you should make...
Calf Scours My calf is scouring. What do you have that I can give him? Electrolyte replacement can help in treating the...
Do Horses Loose Teeth? I found a tooth in my horses feed bin, should I be concerned or do horses lose their teeth? Finding...
Powdered Medication The vet has prescribed some powdered medication for my horse but how do I give it to him? The easiest...
Queensland Itch What products and process can I use to help my horse with Queensland Itch? How often do I need to...
Ticks On Horses Is there anything I can do to stop my horse from getting ticks? It can be difficult to completely prevent...