Worming A Horse Stud What is the most economical way for me to worm an entire horse stud, of approximately 60 adult horses, 20...
Horse Worming Rotation I currently use Promectin Plus to worm my horse, what should I use to rotate with and how often should...
How Often Should I Worm My Horse? How Often Should I Worm My Horse? As a very general guide you can work on worming every 2-3 months...
Worming Puppies My bitch has just had puppies. When should I worm them and what product should I use? As a general...
Worming Dogs I need to purchase intestinal wormers for my three adult dogs that have not been wormed for 3 months, what...
Drenching Dogs With Sykes Big L Can I drench my dogs with Sykes Big.L drench & if so how much per body weight? Using Sykes Big...
All In One Heartworm and Intestinal Wormer Do you have an all in one product that covers for intestinal worms and heartworm in dogs? There are a...
How Often Do I Need To Worm My Dog How often do I need to worm my dog? A good intestinal worming regime is to worm your dog every...
Scooting Dog My dog is scooting and I know it’s not worms as I keep him on a good worming schedule. What...
Are Worms in Horses Bad for their Health? Intestinal worms in horses is a very common health concern with all horses being at risk. These internal parasites can...